Smartphones in classrooms: Reading, writing and talking in rapidly changing educational spaces

In this introduction article in the special issue of the Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, the QUINT researchers Fritjof Sahlström, Christina Olin-Scheller, and Marie Tanner investigate the use of technical devices in the classrooms, using the Nordic classrooms as example.

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One could argue that the rather small-scale studies that are presented in this issue do not give a representative and fair picture of emerging processes in Nordic connected classrooms. Certainly, there are a lot of activities going on in schools where digital devices are used in the classroom interaction in other ways than discerned and described here. However, the strengths with the methods used in the studies presented in this special issue are that they enable insights from the students' point of view based on multi-source data,captured in detail and at the very moment of happening, thus providing access to the time and space contexts of interactional processes in relation to digital devices. The studies describe the contexts of the beginning and end of phone use, how and with whom these processes are unfolding, what is actually happening on the screens, and how these processes are embedded in co-occurring classroom activities.

Full information

Fritjof Sahlström, Christina Olin-Scheller, and Marie Tanner, "Smartphones in classrooms: Reading, writing and talking in rapidly changing educational spaces", Special Issue Learning, Culture and Social InteractionVolume 22, 2019.

DOI: 10.1016/j.lcsi.2019.100319

Open Access

Postprint version (link to the institutional archive)

Published Nov. 5, 2019 10:52 AM - Last modified Sep. 17, 2021 12:34 PM